Food. Games. Two words that young people love to hear. This week’s Best Of Youth Workin’ It therefore has activities that combine these two favorites. Here are 5 great food games for youth groups:
1. M&Ms Race – This M&Ms relay is a fast and frantic youth group game that all of your young people can take part in. It’s easy to set up and doesn’t need many resources to play.
2. Banana Sprite Challenge – This is a great food game that can get really messy (and we don’t mean messy in the conventional way đ ). It’s therefore an activity that it’s worth having a trashcan standing by for, just in case!
3. Guess The Taste – This is one of the funniest youth group games I’ve ever used. Blindfold young people, get them to eat weird food combinations and see if their taste buds can discern the different flavors, all while the other youth laugh at how gross the food combinations are. What could be better?
4. Rock Star Rider – This is another food game involving M&Ms, with 3 different versions that you can play with your youth group.
5. Spaghetti And Marshmallow Tower – In addition to being a fun but challenging game, it’s also perfect to use for team building and working on communication skills.
Question: What other food games for youth groups do you know of? We’d love to hear about them in the comments below.
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