Each week, we’re publishing a list of 10 Would You Rather questions that have a certain theme. We’ve covered superpowers, school, food, gross ideas and more.
We’ve also published a number of Christian Would You Rather questions and this week we have 10 more. You can find the other parts using the links below:
Beneath the questions are some suggestions of discussions and activities that you could plan that are linked to the questions.
If you’re not sure how to organize this game, here’s how to play it.
10 Christian Would You Rather Questions – Part 3
Would you rather…
- be like Zechariah and made mute by an angel or like Jacob and have to wrestle with an angel?
- see Lot’s wife turn to salt or hear Balaam’s donkey talking?
- live in the Garden of Eden that’s perfect but unchanging or in our imperfect world that has sin but also a hope for forgiveness?
- live on the ark with all the stinky animals or be stuck in the belly of a large fish?
- (For girls) have to wear a head covering for your whole life or no make up?
- (For boys) have to wear a head covering or never shave your beard and not cut your hair?
- deny Jesus three times or betray Him for 30 pieces of silver?
- be Abraham and be told you have to kill your only son not knowing that he’d be saved or be Isaac knowing that your father would be willing to sacrifice you?
- have to love your neighbor your whole life or your enemy for one month?
- be known for forgiveness or faith?
Discussions / Activities

Here are some discussions you could use based on some of the questions:
- How do you think you’d react if you saw an angel?
- If life on Earth was perfect, do you think you’d find it boring? Why is that?
- How do you feel about some of the gender specific rules that the Bible mentions?
- Why do you think God asked Abraham to sacrifice his son, knowing that he was going to stop him from doing so anyway?
- What are some ways you can actively love your enemies?
- Who are some people you need to forgive?
- What are some ways you can show faith?
As for youth group activities, you could organize some sessions on:
- Restoration and forgiveness
- Building bridges (tied in to forgiveness and loving enemies)
If you liked these ideas, check out all our other Would You Rather questions – as we mentioned above, there are many more questions with all different kinds of themes in addition to the Christian ones.
Question: What other Christian youth group activities could you plan that are related to the questions listed above? We’d love to hear your suggestions in the comments below.
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