Our youth scavenger hunt ideas always prove to be popular, so this week we have another one for you – a flea market scavenger hunt (for UK readers, think car boot sales).
There are a couple of ways this can be run:
- With money – If budget is no issue, consider giving each team $10-$20 to buy as many items as they can from the list
- Without money – To save money, this could be run as a photo scavenger hunt instead, whereby the teams take photos of the items instead of buying them
- Money (if youth will be buying the items)
- Cameras (if youth will be taking photos of items instead – cellphone cameras should be fine)
- Flea market scavenger hunt list
- Pens
- Projector, screen & laptop to display all the photos at the end (if going down the photo route)
- Prize(s) for the winning team
Take your young people to a flea market / swap meet / car boot sale. Split the youth into teams and allocate a leader to go with them. Your group may be old enough to do this activity without leaders going with them, but it’s a great opportunity to spend time building relationships, so we’d always recommend having at least one leader per group regardless.
Each group should be given a copy of the flea market scavenger hunt list (see below) and a pen – this enables them to check off each item as they go along. If they’re to take photos of the items, make sure each team has at least one camera. If buying the items, ensure each team is given the money before they head off.
The youth will be representing your group while they’re out and about, so remind them of your behavior policy, group agreement, etc. Be sure to emphasize any boundaries of where they can and can’t go, as well as the need to stay together as a team.
Finally, arrange a time and location for them to all meet at the end – perhaps at a snack stand or by the exit. To encourage them to arrive on time – or so that they don’t cheat by trying to spend more time than other groups completing the list – consider warning them that their team will be deducted 1 point for every minute that they’re late.
Flea Market Scavenger Hunt List
The great thing about organizing a scavenger hunt to be done at a flea market is that you can make the list as weird and wonderful as you like – chances are someone will be selling it!
If you’re going to be having your youth buy the items on the list, bear in mind that you’ll need to list items that won’t prove to be too expensive. There’s no point listing a bunch of expensive items if they’re only going to have $10 to spend. Having said that, this could be a perfect opportunity for them to learn some life skills in negotiation and bartering!
Like I said, the list could contain anything but here are some ideas to get you started:
- Postcard with a black & white photo design
- Michael Jackson cassette tape
- Book by Agatha Christie
- Brown plate with a yellow flower decorative design
- An item dated 1986
- Green spoon
Also consider making a list of a few additional items that they can earn bonus points for. These items should be more subjective, such as:
- Funniest T-shirt design
- Vinyl album with the cheesiest cover sleeve
Cassette tapes…..vinyl albums…..this is going to blow the minds of the Spotify generation 😉
The winning team is the one with the most points at the end. If you’re going to give them a prize, consider buying something from the flea market – the more ridiculous the better!
If you liked this idea, check out our other scavenger hunt ideas, as well as our youth work session ideas. We also now have another site that publishes multiple scavenger hunt ideas each week.
Don’t miss out on our book as well – 52 Scavenger Hunt Ideas – that includes lists for each of the 52 ideas. You’ll never need to come up with your own lists again!
Question: What items would you add to the list for a flea market scavenger hunt? Share your ideas in the comments below.
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