Each week, we’re publishing lists of 10 Would You Rather questions based on a certain theme for you to use with your youth group. This week, the theme is all about being famous.
If you’ve never played this game/activity before, here’s our guide on how to play Would You Rather.
Beneath the list, there are suggestions for some discussion questions and other youth group activities you could organize that tie in with this ‘being famous’ theme.
10 Famous Would You Rather Questions
Would you rather…
- be famous and have no friends or not famous with many friends?
- write a bestselling novel or sing a bestselling song?
- be a movie star or a rock star?
- hit the game-winning home run in the World Series or score the winning touchdown in the Super Bowl?
- become President of the USA or be the first person to step foot on Mars?
- be the subject of a famous painting or a famous song?
- be famous for something embarrassing or not be famous at all?
- be immortalized as a star on the Hollywood Walk Of Fame or as a star on the CIA Memorial Wall?
- appear on a billboard in Times Square for one day or on a billboard in your local city for a year?
- get famous quickly as a reality TV star or earn an Oscar when you’re 75?
Discussion Questions

Here are some ideas of additional questions you could use to explore being famous and how your young people feel about it:
- Why is it that you’d like to be famous?
- If you don’t want to be famous, why is that?
- If you could choose one thing to be famous for, what would it be?
- Which famous person do you admire most? Why is that?
Youth Group Activities
Here are a few activities and session plans that could tie in with this ‘being famous’ theme, especially in terms of helping them to set targets and achieve their goals:
- How to set SMART targets
- How to help your youth achieve their dreams
- Goal setting for teenagers – part 1
- Goal setting for teenagers – part 2
- Choose your own adventure
- Youth using their skills to benefit others
- Exploring the importance of practice
If you liked these ideas, check out all of our other Would You Rather questions for even more ideas, discussions and activity suggestions.
Question: What other ‘being famous’ questions can you think of? We’d love to hear your ideas in the comments below.
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Image courtesy of dahcheet, Flickr