Each week, we’re publishing lists of questions you can use when playing Would You Rather. See this post that explains how to play the game.
This week, we have 10 questions relating to food. These ideas aren’t particularly gross – we’ll be publishing some of those in the future!
10 Would You Rather Food Questions
Would you rather…
- have to kill an animal any time you want to eat meat or never eat meat again?
- only eat fruit or vegetables for one year?
- eat for free for the rest of your life but have it be food you don’t like, or only eat food you love but have to pay five times the normal amount for it?
- only be allowed to eat your meals with chopsticks or with your fingers?
- eat at McDonalds or KFC?
- eat a banana peel or an orange peel?
- eat a teaspoon of black pepper or a teaspoon of salt?
- never eat pizza or burgers again?
- only eat ice cream or pizza for the rest of your life?
- only eat food that’s so spicy it burns your mouth or food that’s so bland it has no flavor?
Discussions / Activities

These food questions could be used to help lead into any kind of youth group activities that involve food. Here are some example:
- Helping teens plan meals – part 1
- Helping teens plan meals – part 2
- Teaching teenagers the life skill of food shopping
- Teaching youth table etiquette
- Exploring the issue of hunger – part 1
- Exploring the issue of hunger – part 2
- Learning about food from different countries
If you liked these ideas, we have loads more Would You Rather questions you can use.
Question: What other food-themed questions can you think of? Let us know in the comments below.
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