Say what?! Fundraise by giving money away – isn’t that the opposite of what we’re trying to do with a youth group fundraiser?
Here’s how it works. Give each young person in your group a certain amount of money – $25, £10, €20 or however much you can allow for in the budget. The aim is for the youth to take this money and use it to raise even more funds.
Young people can be incredibly entrepreneurial, so they’ll probably surprise you with the novel ways they have of doing this youth fundraiser. If they struggle though, here are some ideas to get them started with fundraisers that only require a small amount of capital to run:
- Krispy Kreme fundraiser
- Face painting
- Summer Kits
- Cake/cookie sale
- Gift baskets
- Fridge magnets with photos inside
Encourage your youth to maximize the amount they raise by trying to find tandem fundraising opportunities. For example, on the Krispy Kreme fundraiser post we suggested youth also sell bottles of water. This is because 24 bottles can often be bought for approx $4 but sold for $1 each, so a profit of about $20 per case.
Youth could also pool their money if they wanted to run a fundraiser together. This would potentially open up even more opportunities, as they’d have more initial capital to spend on the project.
If your youth fundraiser is being run through a church, this could be done while also teaching about the parable of the talents (Matthew 25:14-30).
Question: What other ideas would be good for this “Giving Money Away” youth fundraiser? Please let us know in the comments below.
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