We’re coming up to the 1st anniversary of Youth Workin’ It on 1 September 2012, so we’re running a few competitions to celebrate. Last week, we told you about how you could get our services for free if you live in Nashville or Atlanta. This week, you can win one of three prizes:
1st Prize – $150 value:
2 hours of virtual consultation for free. You can discuss anything you like during the consultations, but here are a few suggestions:
- Program ideas
- Workplace issues
- Youth issues you’re stuck with
- Program administration
- Youth event planning
- Retreat planning
2nd Prize – $12.99 value:
A paperback copy of How To Plan A Youth Retreat. This is our step-by-step guide to planning a youth retreat that was released earlier this year. We’re happy to mail this to you no matter where in the world you live.
3rd Prize – $9.99 value:
A digital version of How To Plan A Youth Retreat.
How do I enter?
There are just three easy things you need to do to be entered to win these great items:
1) Comment – We want to know what youth work ideas you’d like us to write about over the next year. If you’re a regular reader, do you find our session plan ideas helpful or maybe you prefer our youth work Q & As? Or maybe there are other youth work topics we don’t cover that you’d love to learn more about.
Whatever it is, just leave a comment below letting us know what you want.
2) Tweet / Facebook – We want to get as much feedback and as many ideas as we can, so we’d appreciate your help publicizing this post. The second part of the competition is therefore to either tweet or update your Facebook status in the following way:
a) Twitter – Please tweet the following message:
I’ve entered to win free youth work consultancy with @youthworkinit – you can enter here http://bit.ly/PnVbLY
b) Facebook – Please update your status with the following message (and make the status public):
I’ve entered to win free youth work consultancy with Youth Workin’ It – you can enter here: https://youthworkinit.com/2012/08/17/competition-win-one-of-three-youth-work-prizes/
3) Email – Once you’ve done steps 1 and 2, the final step is to drop us an email – info at youthworkinit dot com – to let us know you’ve taken part. In the email, please let us know the name you used in the comments below, along with either your Twitter handle or a link to your Facebook page so that we can see step 2 was completed.
And that’s it – three simple steps to win some great youth work prizes!
The competition will end at midnight ET on 25 August 2012.
You can also connect with us by:
- Signing up to receive our posts via email
- Following us on Twitter
- Liking us on Facebook
- Signing up to our RSS feed