An exciting year for Youth Workin’ It is drawing to a close, with an even more exciting year getting ready to start.
In 2012 we:
- Got the Youth Workin’ It Mobile
- Produced two youth work resources – How To Plan A Youth Retreat and 52 Scavenger Hunt Ideas
- Celebrated the site’s 1 year anniversary
- Sponsored the first ever Youth Cartel Summit and
- Met Jon Acuff – Stephen has had 7 guest blog posts on his site this year
In 2013 we plan to:
- Speak at Open Boston in February
- Celebrate the 2nd anniversary of the site
- Put out at least 2 more youth work resources and
- Much More!
Last year we borrowed an idea from Jon Acuff and will be sharing the Top 12 Blog Posts of the Year with you again over the next 12 blogging days. The order is based on the number of page views each post received, so be sure to check them out in case you missed any during the year.
We’ll be using the down time to relax, come up with new blog posts and ideas and to watch Christmas movies! New content will return on January 7th 2013.
Have a joyous and peace-filled holiday season with those you love.