Every week, we’re publishing 10 Would You Rather questions based on different themes. This week, the questions are all relating to school and education.
In case you’re not sure how this activity works, you can find our guide of how to play it here.
10 School Would You Rather Questions
Would you rather…
- go to school every day for rest of your life or never have had an opportunity to learn anything
- have one teacher for all your classes who’s average or different teachers for each subject, half of whom are great and the other half being awful
- be a teacher or a principal
- learn Spanish or French
- have three months off for summer or one month off three times throughout the year
- go to school from 8am to 3pm or 11am to 6pm
- have one piece of homework that takes five hours to complete or five pieces of homework that each take one hour to complete
- be in a class with 30 people or by yourself getting one-to-one tutoring
- go to school for 5 days a week for 13 years or for 2.5 days a week for 26 years
- have to wear a school uniform or have your parents pick out what you have to wear each day
Discussion / Activities

These questions can be a good way to open up a conversation about how your youth are finding school and identifying if any of them are struggling in some way.
If you find out that your young people are having a hard time at school, this can provide an opportunity to explore whether there are any other programs you can provide to help them.
For example, if they’re struggling academically, are you able to start up a homework club or connect them with people who can help give them some one-to-one tutoring?
If they’re being bullied, is there some way you can help intervene or support the teen in telling their parents and / or teachers about what’s happening? Can you or someone else mentor them?
You can find all our other Would You Rather questions here.
Question: What other Would You Rather questions with a school theme can you think of? Let us know in the comments below.
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