We’re currently running a series where we’re publishing 10 Would You Rather questions with a different theme each week.
There are food ones, Christian ones, travel ones and loads more. This week, the questions are all gross!
Beneath the list are some activities that you could use that tie in (loosely!) with the gross questions.
10 Gross Would You Rather Questions
Would you rather…
- clip someone else’s toenails or pick their nose?
- not shower for a month or not change your clothes for a month?
- lick the sidewalk in Times Square or the toilet seat at home?
- have a baby throw up on you or pee on you?
- swim in a pool of sour milk or sit in a bath with rotting fish?
- eat a cockroach or drink a squished slug?
- be trapped in the earwax or boogers of a giant?
- not be able to stop burping or farting?
- sweat loads but not smell or smell but not sweat?
- have someone sneeze all over your hair or have someone else’s pimple burst over your face?
Discussions / Activities

As a whole, the Would You Rather questions above don’t really lend themselves to any particular youth group activities or discussions.
A few of the questions though could be used to tie into youth work sessions on a particular theme. For example:
- Question 2 could be used to explore some of the issues that homeless people face
- Question 4 could be used when discussing sexual health (as one of the consequences of having children after not using contraception)
- Question 8 could be used in a session about etiquette
- Question 9 could be used when discussing bullying
If you liked these ideas, check out all our other Would You Rather questions here.
Question: What other gross questions can you think of? We’d love to hear your ideas in the comments below.
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Image courtesy of graibeard, Flickr