It’s Valentine’s Day.
A day for celebrating love.
Unfortunately, there are also many youth and children around the world who do not know what true love really is. If they think about it, all they equate it with is fear, money, lust, pain, hurt, anger, loneliness and much more.
They are child sex slaves and trafficked children.
This post is about one girl. And eight. Both stories have inspired change in the child sex and child trafficking industries.
First there is number 146. Her story can be found on Love146.org. She was a young sex slave in a brothel in Southeast Asia and seeing her radically changed the lives of those who would found Love146, a non-profit helping with the prevention and aftercare of child sex slavery and exploitation. Hers is a love story.
The other is about eight teenage girls who decided that One is Greater than None. These girls were 14 when they decided to raise money and awareness to help others and 1>0 was born. Their organization raises funds to support trafficked children in Ghana, particularly the work of the Touch A Life Foundation.
Your youth can get involved in helping to end child sex slavery and trafficking by contacting Love146 and hosting an event, joining a task force, becoming a partner or working to raise awareness in their schools and communities.
Question: What other charities and organizations do you know of that are helping to fight child sex slavery, exploitation and trafficking? Share your ideas in the comments below.
Enjoyed reading about what youth are doing around the world? Check out our other ‘Spotlight on Youth‘ posts.
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