We’ve published a few toilet paper games in the past and today we have another one to use with your youth group – the Toilet Paper Wrapper.
Here’s how to play it:
2 rolls of toilet paper per team
Set Up
None – this game gets better all the time!
Team Sizes
4-10 young people per team. If you have a really large youth group, this may work better as an up-front game with just 4 or 5 teams taking part.
How To Play
Each team stands in a circle next to each other and facing outwards (i.e. their backs are to each other). Give one person from each team 2 rolls of toilet paper.
The person with the paper has to wrap the first roll around their waist a couple of times without it breaking. They then pass it to the person on their right in the circle, who does the same thing.
This continues until the roll has finished, at which point they have to continue with the second roll until that’s all gone as well. This will probably mean that each player gets wrapped at least twice.
If the toilet paper breaks, they have to continue from where it broke, ensuring that it’s not loose.
In the franticness of the game, there’s a good chance that at least one player will accidentally drop the roll of paper. It’s up to them how they decide to recover it, but they have to ensure that the wrapping of the whole team doesn’t break.
The team that uses both rolls of paper first
Evil Tip
To make the game even harder, use 1-ply toilet paper as this will break more easily
Question: Can you think of any additional rules or alternative ways of playing this toilet paper game? Let us know in the comments below.
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