This week’s addition to our series of youth group games is the Marshmallow Toss. It’s a fun and flexible relay game that can be used with just a handful of youth or with a larger group.
Here’s how to play the Marshmallow Toss:
- Marshmallows
- Buckets
- Masking tape
Stick a line of masking tape on the floor. About 15 feet away, place the buckets on the floor in a line that’s parallel to the tape, with about 2-3 feet of space between the buckets.
Split the youth into similar sized teams, with the same number of teams that you have buckets. If you only have a small youth group, have them play individually instead.
For extremely large groups, having all the young people participating may not be feasible. Instead, play this game up front – with either just a few youth playing against each other or with two teams of five players playing it as a relay.
Marshmallow Toss Rules
Get the teams to line up behind the tape with a bucket in front of them and give the first person on each team a pack of marshmallows.
Their task is to toss the marshmallows in to the bucket. They should to this by taking it in turns by playing it as a relay game, thereby ensuring everyone gets a go.
The winning team is the one that successfully tosses the most marshmallows into their bucket.
If your group would find the above version too easy, here are a couple of more difficult ways of playing the Marshmallow Toss:
- Use mini marshmallows and small plastic cups instead of regular sized marshmallows and buckets. Place a small stone in the bottom of each cup to weigh them down so that they don’t get knocked over
- Place the buckets farther away if you have enough space in your group’s room
If you liked this idea, check out all our other games for youth groups, including a number of marshmallow games.
Question: What other alternative ways of playing the Marshmallow Toss can you think of? Let us know in the comments below.
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