It’s been the first week back at work after Thanksgiving (if you’re in the US), so here are a couple of funny stories to end the week.
I do not think it means what you think it means – no. 1
Shae was speaking to some young people on the youth council who are organizing an end of year dance. There was then the following conversation:
13 year old youth: We don’t want a chaperone that’s going to be a c**kblocker
14 year old youth: Yeah!
Shae: Do you even know what that means? Because we’re all going to be that.
13 year old youth: Yeah, you know, a chaperone that won’t let us have any fun.
Shae: No, it means not letting youth have sex, more specifically blocking boys from doing that, and so yes, there will be that type of chaperone there and I will be the main one. Me and Ms. C will both have it on our shirts – C**kblocker 1 & C**kblocker 2.
I do not think it means what you think it means – no. 2
Shae was leading a session during the week with African-American youth and mentioned Black Friday. There was then this conversation:
Young person 1: That’s a racist term because Black Friday’s called that because only black people are gonna go to Walmart on that day.
Shae: No, it’s called that because it’s the day when most retailers go into the black for the year (explains what going into the black means).
Young person 1: Oh.
Young person 2: So what you’re saying is that people should use Google to learn stuff instead of just believing what they’re told
The takeaway? Don’t assume that young people know all of the words they use, so don’t get paranoid if you think they’re talking about something beyond their years – it may just be that they don’t know the true meaning of a word or phrase!
Question: What funny things have your young people come out with? We’d love to hear your stories in the comments below.
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