Tuesday is Youth Work Q & A day and we’ve already answered today’s question – ‘How big should a youth small group be?‘
Today you’re getting two for the price of one though (or for the price of none seeing as all our posts are free to read!) Aaron from Ultimate Youth Worker asked us to answer the question ‘What will youth work look like in 2013?’ which is part of a series on his blog.
The post has been published today, so go check out what we think will be the future of youth work. And make sure you keep checking back on his blog for the other posts in the series – it sounds like there are going to be some awesome contributions from other youth workers.
Actually, just go ahead and add him to your feed reader or sign up to get his posts by email. You definitely won’t regret it – there’s a reason he makes our youth work blog posts of the week list pretty much every single week.