Last week we showed you how to play the Toilet Paper Mummy; this week, it’s the Toilet Paper Bride. The two games are quite similar, but this version has more of a design element to it.
- Loads of toilet paper.
Set Up
- Split the young people into teams, with an equal number on each side (if possible). It’s also best to separate the teams by gender, as this should help reduce the risk of inappropriate touching due to the nature of the game.
- Give each team about 3-4 rolls of toilet paper, although this will depend on the length of the rolls.
To Play / Rules
- Each team should select one person to become the Toilet Paper Bride. If you’ve separated teams based on gender as suggested above then yes, this means boys will have to be brides!
- The other members of the team should then dress up this person as a bride using the toilet paper. This should include a veil, train – the whole works
- If the roll breaks, they should tuck the end in so that it doesn’t unravel, then carry on
- Set a time limit (between 5 – 10 minutes is best) for them to “clothe” their Toilet Paper Bride
Winning Team
The winners are the team whose bride has the best design, as judged by you or a panel of your volunteers. To make it even more funny, you could have them parade their dresses up and down a catwalk.
- The Toilet Paper Bride game uses a lot of paper so to reduce wastage, collect the toilet paper at the end and recycle it
- This game can be really funny, so get some photos or video footage
- If you lead a Christian youth group, this game could be used when teaching about the church being the bride of Christ or when Jesus turned water into wine (as that was done at a wedding celebration)
If you liked this idea, you may like all of our other youth group games.
Question: Would you include any additional rules when playing the Toilet Paper Bride game? Let us know in the comments below.
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