To introduce areas of spirituality or morality to youth work sessions, I like to use the ‘Confabulation’ – a fun and weird word which means the much less exciting… discussion.
This is a small group, facilitated discussion about moral issues or issues of spirituality and gets youth engaging, discussing, sometimes even debating about their views on these important issues.
I find that a well placed confabulation allows for youth without many spiritual or strong moral influences to think about these issues for the first time, or allow youth well versed in these issues to explore them on a deeper level, in a safe environment.
3 tips for a good Confab
- Remind everyone about the ‘rules of engagement’ – everyone is safe to express their opinions in a group that is respectful and calm. No name calling, teasing, verbal judgments etc. Everyone has the right and opportunity to say what they think, no matter how popular or unpopular their ideas.
- Share a story, personal or otherwise (remembering good boundaries for sharing personal stories and examples), news article, scripture verse/story, etc. Anything to get the ball rolling on a topic.
- Facilitate, but don’t dominate, the confab. Make sure that the youth are sharing ideas openly and equally, keep the group tension at a manageable level, allow for silence and share your views too. Gently correct areas of misinformation or negative/dangerous ideas – one of the best ways to do this is through good questioning skills. Ask thoughtful questions that provoke personal reflection.
Possible Confabulation Topics
- Anger vs. Forgiveness
- Is there a God?
- Why is there religion?
- Why do people go to places of worship each week?
- What is peace?
- Why is there poverty?
- Why is that story in religious texts?
- Is it important to help others?
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