The Egg Drop Game is perfect for all your youth group to take part in – it uses their creative side and ingenuity, plus it can be a great team building activity.
They may have done a similar activity in a physics class, but this version of the Egg Drop Game levels the playing field as they all have to use the same materials.
The Egg Drop Game can use all kinds of different materials – there’s no set items you have to use, other than a few essentials (like eggs!). Here are some suggestions for Egg Drop Game materials though:
- Eggs (enough for one per team, plus a few extras in case they get broken during the building stage)
- Tarp / drop cloth
- Newspaper
- Sticky tape
- Paper clips
- Cereal box
- Scissors
- Drinking straws
To Play
Split the youth into smaller groups (or individuals if you only have a few young people) and give each team the same materials (not including the drop cloth).
The task of the Egg Drop Game is to build a structure that can fit an egg inside and protect it when dropped from a height of six feet. They can use any or all of the materials to build the structure, but it has to be built within a certain time limit.
The winner of the Egg Drop Game can be based on a number of factors:
Unbroken – The egg doesn’t break when the structure is dropped. If you only have one team that manages this, they’re the winner. There’s a good chance though that either multiple teams will succeed or none will. If that’s the case, take into account these other factors……
Design – Award bonus points for an attractively designed structure
Ingenuity – Award bonus points for a design that you think is ingenious for whatever reason
Greater heights – The winner can be decided based on whoever has earned the most bonus points based on design and ingenuity. If things are still even by this point though, re-drop the structures from an even greater height – continue doing this until there’s just one unbroken egg.
- The Egg Drop Game can take quite a long time, so be sure to allocate enough time for the youth to come up with a design, build it, refine it, etc. It might even take up most of your youth work session, but can be a great game if your session is about team-building, creative thinking, etc
- Put a drop cloth down before the actual Egg Drop, in case the structures aren’t quite as solid as the youth had been hoping for!
Check out our other youth group games for more great activities.
Question: What other materials are good for the Egg Drop Game? We’d love to hear your ideas in the comments below.
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