What’s this – a youth work game on a Monday? In case you missed our announcement, Saturdays are now going to be youth work blog posts of the week, with Monday being youth activities day that will cover youth group games, youth retreat ideas, youth group fundraisers, etc.
Today’s game is a classic from my own childhood – the Chocolate Bar Game. I’ll be honest – I’ve no idea if that’s what this game is called, but “The chocolate, knife, fork, scarf, hat and gloves game” seemed like it’d be a bit of a mouthful.
What you need
Surprisingly enough:
- A chocolate bar that can be broken into squares (e.g. Hershey’s, Cadbury’s Dairy Milk, etc) but leave it in its wrapper
- Plate
- Knife
- Fork
- Scarf
- Hat (ideally some kind of winter hat, but any will do)
- Gloves
- One die
How to play
Sit the group in a circle, with all the equipment in the middle. Have one of the youth roll the die and then pass it on to the next person in the circle. The first person to roll a six should rush to put on the scarf, hat and gloves, unwrap the chocolate bar (once the gloves are on) and then use the knife and fork to cut the chocolate bar up and eat it.
While this is going on though, everyone else in the circle is still rolling the die. As soon as another six is rolled, the person cutting up the chocolate bar has to take the winter clothing off and pass to the person who rolled the six, so they can take over.
The die should still continue to be rolled as this changeover is taking place, so another six could easily be rolled before the previous person has had a chance to cut at the chocolate.
The chocolate bar game should keep going until the entire bar is gone.
How to win
Eat the most chocolate! This really depends on how lucky you are with the die being rolled – sometimes in the chocolate bar game there will be sixes in quick succession, so you don’t get a chance to have any chocolate. Other times, a six won’t get rolled for ages and someone will be able to get some good chunks of chocolate in their mouth!
Your most competitive youth (aka me when I was that age) will get really impatient if people take their time rolling the die, so be prepared to remind them that it’s only a chocolate bar game!
Due to the additional challenges that are created by putting on the winter clothing and having to use a knife and fork, the chocolate bar game could work well in youth work sessions covering subjects like overcoming obstacles, patience, dealing with frustration, etc.
Question: What other types of youth work sessions do you think this game would work well in? Let us know in the comments below.
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