The Balloon Relay Race is an excellent group game for all of your young people to take part in. It’s one of those great go-to games that you can use anytime, so long as you have balloons on hand.
- Balloons
- Chairs, cones or something else to use as a marker
- String/rope/duct tape to use as a starting line (not essential)
Set Up
- Blow up balloons
- Set up a starting line using the string, rope, duct tape, etc. This isn’t essential, but can be useful to ensure the changeovers don’t take place too early
- Set up a row of chairs or some other type of marker about 10-20 yards away from the start line. There should be one marker per team playing, plus there should be about 4-5 feet between the markers
- Split your young people into teams – ideally with at least 4 youth per team
- Have them line up in their teams behind the line and with their marker ahead of them
- Give the first person in line on each team a blown up balloon
To Play
- To play the Balloon Relay Race, the first person in line on each team has to put the balloon between their legs
- They then have to hop down to the marker with the balloon remaining between their legs.
- Once they reach the marker, they have to go around it and continue hopping back the other side
- When they get back to the start line, they pass the balloon to the next person on their team (hence it being a Balloon Relay) and they do the same thing
Additional Rules
- If the balloon slips out from between their legs, they have to return to where it slipped out and continue from there
- Hands can’t be used to hold the balloon in place while they’re hopping
- Youth must pass the start line before they can pass the balloon over
This is the team that has all the people on their team complete the Balloon Relay Race first
- Have extra balloons blown up, in case any get burst during the relay
- The Balloon Relay Race is a funny game to watch, so make sure you get some video footage or photos of the youth playing it. (Don’t forget to get photo release forms completed if you’re planning on using the photos for any promotional material, to put online, etc)
If you like this idea for the Balloon Relay Race, check out our other youth group games for even more great game ideas.
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